In Blackjack When Do You Split


Blackjack is different from many of the casino games due to the fact that besides luck, players also need to have discipline, money management skills and solid knowledge how the game functions. If they aim at winning the game in the long run, they should have an appropriate strategy and make every choice according to it.

It is recommended before playing to check whether they have remembered everything that’s needed as every wrong decision on the table will cost them dear. It is extremely beneficial when players know what a particular hand offers them and what can be the possible outcomes of it. This way they can take advantage of every situation and avoid ruining good hands with irrational moves.

Splitting pairs of two cards of the same rank has always been rather tricky, even though many players act according to the well-known unwritten rule – whenever they have such cards, they split them. However, the fact that this method is practised by many of them, doesn’t make it reliable and trustworthy.

In fact, in many cases, this strategy has proven wrong as it leaves players in a much more unfavourable position than their initial one. In this chapter, we will consider the cases when they have a pair of 5s and what their best move is with this card holding.

When Players Have a Pair of 5s

But be careful: only split pairs when it is your advantage to do so other wise you could lose twice as much money! You want to be careful to avoid splitting a pair of 5’s, 10’s or face cards (Jacks, Queens, Kings). The odds of you hitting good hands on both will be minimal and put you into a losing position, we definitely don’t want that. Doubling down is an exciting move to make in blackjack – and profitable if you get it right. This is when you double your bet in the middle of a hand, after which you only receive one more card.

  1. A pair of aces should always be split because the total of these two cards is 12, a very bad total for the blackjack player. The more important reason, however, is that when you split aces there is a better than average chance that you will receive a ten-valued card on one or both of them.
  2. In most versions of Blackjack, when you are dealt a pair (two of the same card), you have the option to split them into two new hands. You are dealt two more cards (one for each new hand) and your bet is doubled. You play each hand normally — you get two chances to beat the dealer (or lose).

Whenever players have a pair of 5’s even though the first thing that comes to mind is to split them, this situation is a bit more complicated and it will be best to be tackled by using a different approach. The best strategy in such cases is not to split them as this will only result in an unfavourable position for the players.

The strategy for a pair of 5s is beyond straightforward. There is no need for players to memorise any deviations when switching from one blackjack variation to another since house rules have absolutely no influence on how this card holding is played.

A pair of 5s is never split no matter how many decks one plays against and what total the dealer must hit to. Depending on the value of the exposed card of the dealer, players who hold a pair of 5s face only two adequate strategy decisions – they can either hit or double down on their hard 10.

Providing that the dealer’s upcard is from 2 through 9, it will be best to double down. This way players will be able to take advantage of the dealer’s weak position and increase their bet. Moreover, doubling down gives players the opportunity to improve their hand and make better use of this situation.

Hard 10 is a great total to start a hand with no matter what the dealer is holding. It provides you with plenty of opportunities to win twice as much money through doubling with a single-card draw. Basic strategy recommends doubling down against most upcards because this move enables players to maximise their returns when starting with a healthy total of 10.

This becomes particularly apparent when we compare the expected value of the possible playing decisions for paired 5s in shoe-dealt blackjack with a dealer who stands on soft 17. Let’s use a £1 wager for this benchmark to simplify things as much as possible. Standing on 5-5 versus the dealer’s 9, as ludicrous as it sounds, naturally results in negative expected value, costing you £0.54 per pound wagered.

Hitting is better as it at least produces a positive long-term expected value for the player. If you draw to your paired 5s, you will earn £0.12 or so per every £1 you originally wagered. Some misguided players choose to split against the 9 (another ludicrous decision) and start two brand new hands with a 5 each.

This is a bad play that completely destroys their positive expectation, costing them £0.63 on average per every pound they invest in splitting this pair. Out of all possible strategy plays, doubling on the 5s versus the 9 is the real moneymaker, generating an expected return of £0.14.

Bear in mind these are long-term averages. You should not expect to earn exactly this amount with a £1 bet each time you double on your 5s against a 9. Consistent play is required for long-term expectation to begin to manifest itself. The following table summarizes the expectation of hitting versus doubling on 5s against the dealer’s upcards deuce through 9.

Expected Return per £1 Bet for Hitting and Doubling on 5-5 in Shoe-Dealt Blackjack
Dealer UpcardExpected Return for HittingExpected Return for DoublingCost for Misplaying 5-5

Players should not forget doubling was incorporated as a means of reducing the house edge and allowing players to maximise their returns. The above-listed figures further demonstrate that hitting instead of doubling on 5-5 against 2 through 9 reduces the profits you can extract from this great hand.

For the rest of the card combinations – when the upcard of the dealer is either 10 or ace, players should hit. The strategy favours hitting over doubling against ten-value cards and aces since these are the dealer’s most powerful cards.

Increasing one’s wager is unjustified here as the dealer is more likely to draw to a winning total when starting with an ace, K, Q, J, or 10. Doubling becomes a negative-expectation play against these strong upcards, with hitting being the only positive-EV move in such situations. This is because you have the option to draw again if you happen to pull out a small card on your hard 10. By contrast, you receive only one card when you double down, with no opportunity for further improving the hand if necessary.

Expected Return with £1 Bet for Hitting and Doubling on 5-5 vs. 10 and Ace
Dealer UpcardExpected Return for HittingExpected Return for DoublingCost of Misplaying 5-5 vs. 10 and Ace
K, Q, J, 10+£0.02-£0.008-£0.01

Reasons Not to Split a Pair of 5s

A pair of 5s should be viewed as any other card combination which totals 10 and therefore, it shouldn’t be split. The reason why is that having a total value of 10 from the first two cards is not a bad way to start the round.

However, if this pair is split, the chances that players can get two decent hands are very low. Starting two hands with a 5 translates into lower earnings for the player even when they are facing dealers with weak upcards. This move is simply inappropriate because a pair of 5s is initially a good total. By splitting, players sacrifice one decent hand and the chances of getting something better out of it are extremely low.

If players decide to split and draw a 2, 3, or a 4, their hand’s total will be very weak and if they get a 6 or above, there is a chance they will bust on the next hit.

By having a pair of 5s in their hand, they have the chance to reach 21 with one more hit and moreover, it deprives them of going bust. Splitting this pair will certainly place players in a worse position than the one they have started from, which is why this move should be avoided.

What if a Pair of 5s is Split

As already mentioned, dealing with a pair of 5s is a difficult situation which has provoked many discussions among casual players throughout the years.

Many of them continue to adhere to the well-known statement and split this pair. It is important for players to know the motive that lies behind each move as this will give them a better understanding of the game and will allow them to decide which play is best for them.

Moreover, this way they will be able to grasp why the rest of the players at the table proceed in a certain way. This is a good indicator of their knowledge and understanding of blackjack. On a side note, the moves of fellow patrons, regardless of whether they are basic strategists, advantage players, or completely clueless individuals, have no impact on your odds of winning and losing.

The reason why some gamblers split their pair of 5s against a 5 or a 6 as the dealer’s upcard, is that in this case they see an opportunity to increase their bet and they don’t hope to improve their hand. They usually make this move in games where the casino allows doubling down after splitting as this is their main objective.

There are indeed self-proclaimed blackjack experts who advise players to split their paired 5s when the dealer holds low-value cards 5 or 6 in hopes of catching another 5 or 6 for a potential double down on 10 or 11.

This play is nonsensical, first and foremost, because you and the dealer have already drawn some of the small cards from the shoe/deck that can help you. This alone reduces your probability of pulling out another 5 or 6 for a successful double down on your split 5s.

Splitting a Pair of Aces
Splitting a Pair of 2’s or 3’s
Splitting a Pair of 4’s
Splitting a Pair of 5’s
Splitting a Pair of 6’s
Splitting a Pair of 7’s

If you want to double, doing it on your hard 10 is a better idea against the dealer’s 6 – you stand better chances of winning this way. Hard 10 is a solid enough starting hand to hold against the weak 6. It yields an edge for the player, which is why basic strategy recommends a double in this case. The player will register an average of 57 pence in profit per pound wagered when they double.

It is worth mentioning that starting two hands with a 5 against the 6 is still a profitable situation for the player. This is due to the fact the player, unlike the dealer, has the option to stop drawing provided that the next couple of hits result in a breaking total.

The dealer, on the other hand, must draw to at least 17, which increases their likelihood of busting, especially when their starting card is a 6. The earnings of the player are significantly smaller at around 5 pence per every wagered pound, i.e. around 10 pence for both splits. In other words, a person who splits 5-5 against a 6 gives up nearly half a pound from their expected return.

Then again, some players are reluctant or afraid to invest more money into any given single hand, including a solid total of hard 10. Such people commonly favour hitting their 5s over doubling and splitting. Although it is not as bad as splitting expectation-wise, hitting against a 6 still produces lower expected value, cutting players’ profits by nearly 30 pence.

Some players would argue they have been splitting 5s for years without suffering any detrimental effects on their bankrolls. With that in mind, players must remember it is not impossible to see extraordinary results even for prolonged periods, especially if one is not keeping good track of their plays and earnings.

Many people tend to remember only the instances when bad plays, like splitting 5s, have resulted in short-term wins. This leads them to believe such poor moves work. However, this is nothing but a fine case of confirmation bias that would cost you dear in the long run.

At the end of the day, players have the power to decide which move is the best for them in every situation. The most used strategy in blackjack is the basic strategy which suggests that players should never split a pair of 5s under any circumstances.

5-5 Basic Strategy for Single-, Double-, and Multiple-Deck Blackjack
Player’s HandDealer’s Upcard

How Tracking the 5s Helps Players Press Home Their Edge

One of the easiest ways for less experienced players to press home their edge and overturn the casino’s advantage is by keeping track of the dealt 5s and aces. The method is effective because, in blackjack, an excess of remaining 5s and other low cards favours the house whereas an excess of aces and tens helps the player.

This approach is known as the Ace Five Count and was devised by blackjack expert Michael Shackleford, better-known under the alias Wizard of Odds. It is mostly suitable for multiple-deck blackjack with liberal rules like DAS, S17, LS, and 3-to-2 payouts for naturals.

For this to work, you need to determine your minimum and maximum wager beforehand. The player starts with a neutral count of zero and places their minimum wager each time the dealer reshuffles the shoe. The player then adds +1 to their count each time a 5 is removed from play and subtracts -1 for each dealt ace.

There is no need to convert a running count into a true count which further simplifies things for less-versed players. Once two 5s are dealt and the count escalates to positive 2 or higher, the player must raise their wager. Whenever the count drops below 2, the player bets the minimum. This is really all there is to it.

Another benefit that results from using this simplified system is that there is no need to make any strategy deviations, i.e. use indices. You stick to basic strategy throughout your entire session, only sizing your bets based on the ratio of 5s and aces that remain to be dealt.

The Ace Five Count yields a considerably lower expected value when compared to more advanced counting systems, such as the Hi-Lo. Nonetheless, it is simple enough for basic strategists to follow and still enables them to overturn the casino’s edge.

The exact percentage you gain in advantage with this system depends on what bet spread you are using. The steeper your spread, the greater the advantage the Ace Five Count produces. Keep in mind you will need a huge bankroll to be able to withstand the game’s variance when implementing this system. Other than that, this approach is also deemed suitable for basic strategists who are looking to exploit casino promotions to their benefit.


Splitting is a move that allows players to increase the amount of the money they bet and should be made when the dealer’s in a weak position. However, as mentioned above, the case with splitting 5s is different from the rest of the possible pairs players can get as it leaves them in a rather disadvantageous position and thus, this move is best to be avoided. In such situations it is crucial to remember what is the best way to proceed in order to take advantage of every hand and make the most of it.

Many players whenever they have second thoughts about a particular move, decide to seek an advice from the dealer. It is really important in such cases to bear in mind that he is not to be trusted most of the times. The same goes for the rest of the players on the table and this is also the reason why discipline is so important as it will prevent players from doubting their strategy and their chosen move.

Splitting in Blackjack is one more solution available for Blackjack players. It can be used in combination with the double down or surrender option – the main thing for the players to consider is how to combine these solutions to get a better result. In this article, we are going to disclose the situations when this move has to and shouldn’t be used. Along with that, we will disclose a proper approach to this solution.

What Does a Split in Blackjack Mean?


A split solution means that you play two hands instead of one after getting the initial hand. Each hand is played solely, which means that you can lose with one hand and win with the second. This solution can be a good choice, if the cards in your initial hand, can bring you more chances to win, if distributed into two hands, instead of being used in just one.

Some players ignore this move, leaving no chance to double their winnings or decrease their chances of losing. The thing is that this solution can only be used for your benefit if you are familiar with card counting and know the essence of this move.

How to Split in Blackjack: Rules

The only condition when splitting is available is when you have a pair in the initial hand. You cannot split after a hit or any other move. Thus, if you get 6-6, and then another 6, you cannot split your hand. However, there are some casinos that impose restrictions on splitting:

  • Splitting is allowed only once.
  • After splitting, you cannot get a natural Blackjack even if you have 10-Ace; it is valued as an ordinary 21.
  • Some pairs cannot be split (Ace, 10, etc.).
  • No double down after splitting allowed.

Generally, you can split as many times as you want. For example, if you get a pair of 6’s, you can split. Then you get two hands with one 6 in each one.

If in one of the hands, you get another 6, you can split that hand as well. Thus, you will get 3 hands with 6 cards. Though, some of the casinos only allow you to split once.

You also can split Aces, as well, in some of the casinos. That means that once you have an Ace-Ace, you can split and get two hands with one Ace card in each of them. Make it clear in the casino, whether you can split Aces, as some of the houses forbid that.

Double down is a move that allows you to increase your bet per hand and limits the number of cards you can get afterwards. After splitting, you can make a double down for one hand and use any other move for another hand. The outcomes for each hand won’t affect the outcome of the other hand. Though, some of the casinos do not allow you to double down after splitting.

Thus, along with knowing how to use the decision to split correctly, you also should find out the rules of eligibility for this move, in the specified casino. These rules can have a great effect on the results of the game.

Why Do You Need to Split Cards in Blackjack?

Many players do not really know when splitting is a good decision. In this article, we have disclosed situations when splitting can improve your results, and here we will answer the question, why do you need to split your cards at all.

There are three main reasons to use this move:

  • Splitting can maximize your profits
  • It can minimize your losses
  • It can improve your initial hand

How can splitting maximize your profits? If the dealer has a weak hand, splitting your hand means you play two hands instead of the dealer’s weak hand. This means that you have more chances to win, so you use this move as much as possible, depending on the situation, when the dealer gets a weak hand in a specified game.

How can splitting minimize your losses? If the dealer has a strong hand or a moderate hand, depending on your hand and the Blackjack game rules you play, you can surrender (if possible), split, or hit.

For some of the card combinations (which are pointed out in this article), the best decision would be to split. You get the chance to have at least one strong hand against the dealer’s hand. Thus, you can minimize your losses.

How can splitting improve your hand? If you have 2 cards that can make a good combination in separate hands but make a bad combination in one hand, it may be better for you to make a splitting decision than to hit, double down or surrender. Thus, choosing this option gives you the chance of a stronger combination.

Splitting Strategy: When You Should Always Split Cards in Blackjack

Unlike the other solutions, for a split, there are situations when splitting is always a good option, no matter what the card combination is in the dealer’s hand. This is true for a pair of Aces and a pair of eights.

The main reason for the pair of aces to get split is that an Ace in the initial hand is always a good card. When you get 10 with an Ace, it is a natural Blackjack, and moreover, an Ace can be valued both like 1 or 11. Consider the fact that for your initial hand with two Aces, you get a sum of 12, and the only way to get a Blackjack comes when you get 9. Whereas, when you split, you get far more winning combinations.

When it comes to the eights, there is another reason for splitting – a hard 16 is a weak hand. It is not enough to stand, as the majority of dealers stand or hit with a soft 17. It is risky to hit with this combination, as any value that is higher than a 5 will bust your hand. You get much better options if you split, and get an eight in two hands.

You should also resplit in case you get Aces or eights in hand after the first split. The reasons for the resplit are the same as for the first split. The only reason you couldn’t use split for Aces or resplit for Aces and eights, is the situation when this move is restricted by the casino. Below you can see some examples of hands with eights and Aces that would be valuable to consider for your gaming strategy.


Split Aces

Your hand: Ace-Ace

Dealer’s up card: Any

No matter what up card the dealer has, you should split. Even if the dealer has an Ace as well, which increases the chances of him having a natural Blackjack or another strong combination.

When you split, you get two potentially strong hands, instead of one that has a value of 12. After you split, you have more options to double down or hit until you get the best value.

Split Eights

Your hand: 8-8

Dealer’s up card: Any

Hard 16 is a weak combination, as you have a 60% chance to go bust with it. Moreover, the majority of dealers stop on soft 17, so even standing on hard 16 isn’t the best option. Normally, if you get a hard 16, it is better to consider the surrender option. However, if you get pairs with an opportunity to split, you should use it, as there many chances to get a strong combination with an eight in your hand.

What cards not to split?

There are cards that you shouldn’t split under any circumstances:

  • A pair of fives
  • Pair of fours
  • Pair of tens

The thing is that splitting these cards, no matter what card is in the dealer’s hand, will decrease your chances of winning dramatically. Below we will provide you with a detailed disclosure on each combination.

Don’t Split Tens

A pair of tens gives you 20. This is one of the best combinations to stand when playing Blackjack, as you are likely to win. Splitting will be a very risky move.

The thing is that the majority of dealers stop at soft 17, which means that you need to get 7 or more after the split to win. Based on this calculation, you have more chances to win the round if you stand on 20. Example

Your hand: 10-10

Dealer’s up card: 8

With the dealer’s eight or any other card in the game, a casino has a very low chance of winning, as it should collect 21. On the other hand, your 20 is a great value to stand at.

Never Split Fives

Splitting fives is a bad idea, as you have a better option of doubling down depending on the dealer’s up card. Most players choose the split option in this situation, basing their decision on the fact that 5 in hand gives you a great number of options for the second card and future moves. However, it is proven mathematically, that you get more chances to win if you double down or hit in this position.

Your hand: 5-5

Dealer’s up card: 4

If you split now, you have to take the risk of getting a weak combination against the dealer’s 4 with another card in hand. If doubling down, you will have more chances to acquire a stronger value than the dealer.

Never Split Fours

Having fours gives a higher chance to get more than a soft 17 than if you split this hand. Here you get even more chances to get a weak hand than with fives. You will ultimately get weak initial hands instead of a stronger one. Based on the mathematical calculations, hitting is better than splitting here.

Your hand: 4-4

Dealer’s up card: 9

In this situation, you will have fewer chances to get a strong initial hand, as if the second card in the dealer’s hand is of high value, you will have to hit numerous times, for both hands with totally unpredictable results. More chances to win remain if you hit with 4-4 giving you an 8 and a higher chance to beat a soft 17.

Splitting Other Cards in Blackjack

Along with the combinations that leave only one option on whether or not to split, there are also other combinations that can leave you with options depending on the dealer’s up card.

When to Split Twos, Threes, or Sevens

Twos, threes, and sevens should be split if the dealer shows a card with a value of 7 or less. The reason is that twos and threes give you 4 and 6, which is a naturally weak initial hand to move on, and if you split this pair, you will get far more chances to get a strong combination to hit. You should also split sevens, as you have more chances to get a strong combination by hitting two cards afterwards, than with a hard 14.

When Do You Split Cards In Blackjack

Your hand: 2-2

Dealer’s up card: 4

As you can see in this situation, you have a value of four, while the dealer has 4 as an upcard only. It is less, so you can easily split your cards, and then hit as many times as you need to. With such a combination split, you have more chances to get a high value, than with a four against four and the second card in the dealer’s hand.

When to Split Sixes

Split a pair of sixes when the dealer shows 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Based on the mathematical calculations, your hard 12 can give you a better result, when the dealer has 7 or more, and your six in hand can result in a stronger combination when the dealer has less than 7.

Your hand:6-6

Dealer’s up card: 8

Here, you have a hard 12 against the dealer’s 8. You only can go bust if you get a 10, while you do not yet know the dealer’s situation. Any other card added will only improve the value of your hand, thus hitting is a better option than splitting, when you get two weak six combinations, against the dealer’s 8.

Splitting Nines

Splitting nines is a good idea against the dealer’s 2-6, 8, and 9. When you split against 2-6, 8, you get a better combination without the risk of getting busted on the next hit. With the 9 up card, you have the same chances on the new hand. Seven is excluded from here as mathematically, the dealer has greater chances of getting a strong combination.

Your hand: 9-9

Dealer: 5

If you split now, you will get two hands with nines in each, against the dealer’s 5 card. This gives you better chances to win twice. Standing here would be a good option as well, and still, you can increase your profits if you split.

Blackjack Splitting Chart

To make it clearer for players when or not to split, we have prepared a chart showing the best combinations for a specified move.

Here you can get acquainted with the main topics that are being discussed about the split move. Continue reading below to get answers on the most frequently asked questions.

Splitting in Blackjack FAQ

How many times can you split in Blackjack?

If splitting is available in the game, you can split as many times as you want per round. Although, some restrictions as to when you can split are enforced in some situations.

What DAS means?

Double After Split (versus: NDAS, which is NO Double After Split). This rule is a benefit to the player that allows you to double down after you split a hand.

What does NDAS mean?

No Double After Split (versus: DAS=Double After Split).

What NRSA means?

In Blackjack When Do You Split
No resplit Aces. This means you can split Aces once, but cannot split them again.

Other Blackjack Strategies

Along with splitting, you can also make other moves that can be combined with splitting or used solely depending on the game rules and situation. Knowing how to use these moves can improve your results dramatically, otherwise, they can be useless. Thus, there is double down, hit & stand, and surrender.

Double Down

Double downis a move that considers increasing your initial hand. It is only available for the initial hand, and after using this move, you can only get one card in hand. Sometimes double down is available after splitting, sometimes not – it depends on the rules. Double down can increase your winnings and is valuable for those who use long-run strategies.

In Blackjack When Can You Split Cards

Hit & Stand

Hit is a basic solution available for all blackjack games. It means that you take an additional card to improve your hand. This move is available only until you get a value of 21 or get busted. The stand solution is about no longer taking any more cards. It is used when you believe the combination you have is the best you can get in that hand. Hit & Standshould be used in combination with other moves.


In Blackjack Should You Split Tens

Surrenderis an option that is not presented in the majority of Blackjack games. Thus, when it is available, you can use it to decrease your loses. The surrender solution can only be used upon receiving the initial hand and means that you stop the hand, and receive 50% of your original wager.

In Blackjack When Do You Splits

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